As part of our Full Management Gold & Platinum services, we provide detailed annual financial statements to the landlord and where explicitly instructed to HMRC or the landlord’s accountant. Annual statements are provided within one calendar month of the end of the tax year and are sent via your preferred method of communication. Annual statements […]
Articles Tagged: financial statement
When will the invoice for repairs or maintenance be deducted from my account?
We settle invoices for repairs and maintenance received on your behalf on the day we receive them. The cost of the invoice is deducted from your Jungle Property account and funds transferred via BACS to the contractor on the same day. This will be shown as a disbursement on your next financial statement and the […]
When I print a financial statement the Jungle Property logo does not print why?
If the PDF displays correctly but prints on a paper printer incorrectly, it’s most often a issue with Adobe Reader (or whatever software you are using to view the PDF) or the printer driver. To resolve the problem: Make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader (or whatever software you are using to […]
What is the ‘balance transfer’ entry shown on my statement?
If you own more than one property we may transfer the balance of funds from one property (in credit) to another property (in debit). E.g. property A has an outstanding balance of -£700 following recent improvement works and we receive rent of £1000 for property B owned by the same owner, so we may ‘balance […]