What is an assistance dog?

Landlords sometimes choose to not allow a tenant to keep a living creature at the property during the tenancy. An exception to this is where a the tenant has an assistance dog (known as a service dog in the United States). An assistance dog is a dog trained to aid or assist an individual with a […]

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The viewing application form keeps crashing what should I do?

Try completing the form on a different device, using a different browser and a different internet connection. If having done that the problem persists, please provide us with details of any error messages you are receiving or on what field the form keeps crashing and we will gladly investigate. Still not answered your question? We […]

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What are the responsibilities of a landlord to a relevant person?

The Housing Act 2004, Chapter 4, S213 defines “Relevant Person” as any person who, in accordance with arrangements made with the tenant, paid the Deposit on behalf of the tenant. A landlord responsibilities are defined in the same section of the same legislation: (5) A landlord who has received such a Tenancy Deposit must give […]

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What can I provide as proof of current address?

One document that shows your name and current address, which is valid and in-date: Full driving licence or provisional driving licence Medical or health card Immigration document OR One document dated within the last 12 months that shows your name and current address: Utility bill (this does not include a mobile phone bill) High Street […]

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Why do you not put rent review clauses in your tenancy agreements?

Including provision for increasing the rent (commonly referred to as rent review clauses) in a tenancy agreement means you are unable to use the Section 13 process, and the notice referred therein, to increase the rent during the tenancy – you are constrained by the terms of the rent review clause. Further Reading Section 13 […]

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How long can I reserve a property for?

The maximum time between making a reservation (completing a Reservation Agreement and paying the Holding Deposit) and the start of any proposed tenancy is 30 days. The commencement date of any proposed tenancy would be subject to the agreement of the landlord. Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us […]

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Can I see the contract (tenancy agreement) before it is signed?

Yes – all parties to the tenancy agreement receive a copy of the agreement before it is distributed for signing. Landlords are given 72 hours to review the agreement though where the time between approval of the tenancy application and the Check-In is less than 72 hours, this time would be reduced. Still not answered […]

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