Where does the Check-In take place?

At the property. Further Reading What is a Check-In? {Knowledgebase article} When is the Check-In? {Knowledgebase article} Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the contact details here Please rate this article so we know how well it answered your question…

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What proof of savings does an applicant need to provide?

If an applicant wishes to provide details of their savings as proof of affordability, they must provide financial statements for a savings account covering the last 6 months that show no money has been withdrawn from that account in that period – providing bank statements for a current account, statements covering less than 6 months, […]

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How can someone who is receiving a pension prove their income?

By providing our referencing agent with a copy of your latest P60. A P60 should be issued by your pension provider shortly after the tax year finishes on 5th April. If your P60 is not received by 31st May each year you should contact your pension provider. Still not answered your question? We love questions […]

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How do I provide the pet reference?

The pet reference can be provided as a letter sent to us via post, as an e-mail or as a letter attached to an e-mail whichever is easisest for you. Not sure what a pet reference looks like? find one here: Pet Reference Example Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it […]

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I have provided pay slips do you need to contact my employer?

Yes – Pay slips can easily be falsified and may not confirm the following: Contracted basic annual income Whether the employment is temporary or permanent If there is likely to be a change in the contract/employment in the foreseeable future Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the […]

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