Where a landlord receives more than one offer to rent a property in quick succession, a decision will need to be made on which offer to accept and take forward to the next stage.
The decision to accept an offer and invite a person to apply for a tenancy is largely the landlords and only in exceptional circumstances would Jungle Property proceed without receiving the landlords consent to do so e.g. Unable to contact the landlord.
In considering an offer, the following factors are considered:
• Rent offered – the higher the rent offered the more appealing to the landlord
• Proposed length of fixed term of tenancy – does it align with the landlord’s plans?
• Proposed start date of tenancy – landlord will want to avoid the void
• Affordability – is it likely the person can afford the rent?
• Where person is currently living – a first time tenant living with parents or sofa surfing may be less appealing to the landlord
• Why person is moving – a person who has fallen out with their current landlord and is being evicted will not appeal to the landlord
• Whether the person is known to the landlord or his agent – if the person has a good (or bad) reputation in the local community may influence the decision – a person who is not known in the local community may not appeal to the landlord
• Whether the property is suitable for the number of tenants
• Likely wear and tear – the more occupants, with more pets and children spending more time in the property the more wear and tear
• Whether the person would fit in with the neighbourhood – party hard sharers in a quiet development of retirees would not be considered a good fit
• Whether the person has pets – some pets will cause more wear and tear and possibly even damage
• Whether the person smokes – try re-letting a property that was previously occupied by a smoker!
• Profile on social media – the person with photos of themselves on Facebook walking along the high street with a traffic cone on their head late on a Saturday night may not be welcomed with open arms!
There are other factors that may be considered but these are just a flavour of what some landlords would consider before making a decision.