At the time of writing yes, however there are practical considerations and impending legislative changes to consider.

Council Tax liability

Section 6 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 provides a hierarchy for who is liable to pay council tax. To be liable for council tax a person must have a material interest. Where the tenant has a leasehold interest which was granted for a term of six months or more they have a material interest. It follows that if a person has a tenancy for less than 6 months then they do not have a material interest and are therefore not liable to pay the Council Tax.


Most tenants will want an unfurnished property (with the possible exception of built-in appliances). What will you do if the would-be tenant wants the property unfurnished? What would be the cost of placing your personal belongings in storage?

What is the demand?

Consideration needs to be given to market demands and how your property may, or may not, meet needs.

Most tenants want long-term security and with this long-term tenancies. If letting for the short-term you have a limited audience.


If the timing of the tenancy start and end is critical to your plans you need to consider the likelihood that your timings will exactly match the needs of a would-be tenant and what you would do if the tenant did not vacate when you had hoped.

Limitation on serving notice

Under section 36 of the Deregulation Act 2015 for any tenancy granted on or after 1 October 2015, no Section 21 notice requiring possession of the property (2 months notice) can be served within the first four months of the tenancy.

What if the tenant does not leave?

Once a Section 21 has been served on the tenant, a court can only grant a possession order if the tenant has been in occupation for 6 months at the time of the court hearing. If 6 months have not expired then the court simply has no power to grant a possession order even if there is a break clause permitting termination at, for example, 3 months or if the tenancy period is itself for only 3 months.

Renters Reform Bill

Not yet a law but given the likelihood it will become law; consideration needs to be given to the proposed changes and the implications. Proposals include banning fixed term tenancies, the tenant being able to serve notice after 2 months, the landlord not being able to serve notice to move back into the property for up to 2 years, the restriction that landlords cannot re-let their property up 12 months after re-occupying the property after it was let.

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