This indicates that the credit referencing agency is unable to confirm that you are who you say you are. This can happen when you do not have any credit history, or when the information you provided about yourself does not match the credit referencing agency records. One possible cause of this error is a disparity […]
Articles Tagged: credit rating
I have an IVA on my credit file am I likely to be accepted?
IVAs and bankruptcies may be acceptable, subject to other references being satisfactory, however it is conceivable these will have an adverse effect on the Applicant’s credit score with the possibility it could be below 545. If your credit score was below 545 but all other checks and references were acceptable then it is likely you […]
How do I get the transunion number?
There are many different ways of finding your TransUnion credit score for free and details can be found via the lnk below. Further Reading Moneysavingexpert – How to check your full credit report for FREE – TransUnion Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the contact details here […]
I have a poor credit rating can you help me find a property to rent?
Yes – we would love to help. Having a poor credit rating will not prevent you finding a property to rent or being granted a tenancy. Before granting a tenancy we consider many factors (not just credit ratings) and different landlords will have different criteria. As a guide if you have a poor credit rating, […]