What does blown window panes mean?

A blown window occurs when a gap is created between glass panes which allows moisture to come through and create constant fogging. Reasons why you might replace blown windows: Condensation build-up Heat loss Lack of insulation Unattractive exterior Reduced natural light Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using […]

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We had an EICR last year. Does that have to be done every year?

Not necessarily – see article below. Further Reading Is this (inspection and testing of electrical installation) every year? {Knowledgebase article} Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the contact details here Please rate this article so we know how well it answered your question…

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What is an oil safety certificate?

Reference to oil safety certificate is probably reference to a document such as an OFTEC CD/11 Oil Firing Servicing & Commissioning Report that records that the oil fired appliance at the property has been serviced and the general condition of the oil storage tank and oil supply pipework has been checked. It may also be […]

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Does the inspection and testing of the electrical installation cover appliances?

No Further Reading What you mean by ‘electrical installation’? {Jungle Property Knowledgebase article} What is covered by an electrical installation inspection? {Jungle Property Knowledgebase article} Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the contact details here Please rate this article so we know how well it answered your […]

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Do you have any advice regarding the safety of internal windows blinds?

Where internal window blinds are installed in premises where children 0 to 42 months are (ever) likely to have access or be present, ensure they comply with the EN 13120 standard. The standard includes: • Limitations on cord and chain lengths • Safety devices for preventing any cords or chains from creating a hazardous loop […]

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Should I be concerned about my tenant falling from the loft?

A landlord is right to consider the risk to the tenant of falls in any part of the property. If the roof space is being legitimately (by design) used for secondary purposes (other than just being a void space) such as… Housing the boiler and associated controls Converted to a living space Boarded to provide […]

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Does a landlord need to maintain appliances?

Unless the landlord has expressly undertaken an obligation to maintain appliances, he is not obliged to do so. However anything a landlord supplies to a tenant (included in the inventory) must be safe throughout the tenancy. There is a common ‘expectancy’ (but not necessarily law or agreed) amongst tenants that anything the landlord supplies must […]

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Can an electrician self-certify their work?

Yes – Electrical contractors, who register with a competent person self-certification scheme, will be able to self-certify compliance with Part P of the Building Regulations whenever they carry out ‘notifiable’ work. Persons who are not registered with a self-certification scheme – including DIYers – will need to notify or submit plans to a Building Control […]

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