Yes – under the terms of the tenancy agreement tenants agree that during the tenancy, to take such reasonable precautions expected of a householder to keep the property free of infestation by vermin, rodents or animal fleas. Where such infestation occurs as the result of action or inaction on behalf of the tenant, to be responsible for the reasonable costs in fumigating and cleaning any affected parts as appropriate and for rectifying and or removing the causes of such an infestation.

From a legal perspective (which overrides the terms of the tenancy agreement) landlord and tenant responsibilities for pests are explained in the short series of questions in the blog article Landlord and tenant responsibility for pests – what guidance does the law provide?

If having read the article you are 100% sure this is the landlord’s legal responsibility, then please raise a repair request via our online repair request system here explaining (briefly) why you believe this is the landlord’s responsibility and we will gladly engage the services of a pest controller. If, based on the evidence of the pest controller, this is not a landlord responsibility the reasonable cost of this work will be passed on to the tenant.

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