When do I need to pay the advance rental?

The advance rental payment must be received in cleared funds on or before the signing of the Tenancy Agreement. Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the contact details here Please rate this article so we know how well it answered your question…

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Will you get my consent before passing my details to the landlord?

No – Jungle Property act purely as agents for the landlord who is the principal so the landlord has a right to access the information Jungle Property hold on their behalf. For the avoidance of doubt, consent to pass personal details to the landlord is explicitly stated in the Terms and Conditions of the Reservation […]

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What happens to the holding deposit if I withdraw my application?

No – this is covered in the Reservation Agreement Terms and Conditions. We (the Agent) will cancel the reservation and not repay the Holding Deposit in the following circumstances: a. If the Landlord is prohibited by section 22 of the Immigration Act 2014 (persons disqualified by immigration status) from granting a tenancy of the Property […]

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