How do I end my tenancy?

For Full Management properties, complete the Notice To Quit form here Immediately we receive your notice, we will contact you to advise you of the end of tenancy process. For properties managed by your landlord, please contact your landlord direct. Further Reading What notice do I need to give to end my tenancy? Still not […]

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What information do I need to send with the Statutory Declaration?

The claiming party should complete the Declaration and send it back to the Deposit Protection Service (DPS), stating the amount and reason/s for which they are claiming: this must be witnessed by a Solicitor, Commissioner for Oaths or Magistrate. The DPS can only accept original documents and will reject photocopied forms. A Declaration will be rejected […]

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How do I reclaim a deposit through the DPS?

The procedure rules are defined in the Deposit Protection Service – Custodial Terms and Conditions and both landlords and tenants should in the first instance familiarise themselves with the terms therein. For Full Management properties, Jungle Property will process the Tenancy Deposit on behalf of the landlord. For Let Only clients Jungle Property will release […]

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Can you change my contact details for the return of the deposit?

No – sorry we cannot change any details held by the Deposit Protection Service (DPS). To change any of the contact details held by the DPS please contact the DPS on 0330 303 0030. Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the contact details here Please rate this […]

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What happens at the end of the tenancy, how do I get my deposit back?

1. A detailed Check-Out Report is compiled by an independent inventory clerk highlighting any missing items, damage or cleaning issues. 2. Under our guidance, the landlord will decide if they wish to claim any compensation and if so how much. 3. With the express instruction of the landlord we will initiate the release of your […]

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Who conducts the Check-Out inspection?

The Check-Out is carried out by a independent professional inventory clerk but may optionally be carried out by the landlord or his agent. An independent clerk is employed to help ensure the inspection is as unbiased as possible. A professional clerk will have the skills and experience for accurately assessing the state and condition of […]

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Can I change the day and time of the pre Check-Out Inspection?

Yes – If you wish to change the pre Check-Out inspection appointment we will be delighted to do so – please arrange a new appointment using our online appointment request facility here or contact our office using the contact details here. The pre Check-Out Inspection is provided free of charge principally for the benefit of the tenant […]

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