While you can buy a variety of specially designed toilet cleaners to remove the unsightly limescale stains, you can achieve the same result with a bottle or two of white vinegar and some elbow grease. The acidic nature of vinegar is perfect for softening and lifting limescale and it is nowhere near as expensive as a commercial toilet cleaner.

To clean your toilet with vinegar follow these steps:

  • Pour one litre of undiluted white vinegar directly into the toilet bowl, being sure to pour it around the sides of the bowl.
  • Let it sit for three-four hours.
  • Scrub the toilet bowl with more white vinegar.
  • Flush the toilet to rinse away the stains and residue.
  • Repeat until the toilet bowl is clean and sparkling.

Similarly, limescale on shower screens, bathroom tiles and bathroom fittings can be removed by spraying with white vinegar and leaving to soak before washing off.

White vinegar is available in spray bottles from all supermarkets and in larger containers from hardware stores and online via Amazon.

Re bleach all it does is lighten the stains. So while your toilet may look clean it is still encrusted with limescale, it’s just harder to see.

Further Reading

How to Remove Limescale from Your Toilet {Fantastic Cleaners blog article}

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