The Check-Out and compilation of the Inventory and Schedule of Condition Report are two distinct pieces of work, generating two distinct artefacts for two separate tenancies:

  • Inventory and Schedule of Condition Report – compiled immediately before the start of the tenancy to record its condition, together with fixtures, fittings and contents and with relevant meter readings.
  • Check-Out Report – compiled at the end of the tenancy or as soon as possible afterwards comparing differences between the state of the property at that point with the original Inventory and Schedule of Condition Report.
  • Check-Out – Analysing the differences between the Check-In Report and Check-Out Report; making an assessment of what differences are attributable to acceptable wear and tear; assessing whether the differences are over and above acceptable wear and tear (damages) and therefore the responsibility of the tenant.

Where there is a small void period between the end of one tenancy and the start of another thereby ‘avoiding the void’ it is easier if the two pieces of work are carried out at the same visit by the same person. As the two pieces of work are carried out during the same visit saving travel time and the focus is on the same property there will be some saving of time but it is at the discretion of the inventory clerk whether they want to pass on some of that saving to the landlord and what that saving would be.

Further Reading

A Guide to Best Practice for Inventory Providers

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