A landlord is right to consider the risk to the tenant of falls in any part of the property. If the roof space is being legitimately (by design) used for secondary purposes (other than just being a void space) such as…

  • Housing the boiler and associated controls
  • Converted to a living space
  • Boarded to provide storage

…then careful consideration needs to be given to safe access to/from the roof space. If the roof space is nothing more than a void between the ceiling of the room below and the roof with insulation then the roof space does not warrant any special consideration – in the same way you would not be concerned about the tenant climbing onto the roof and falling from the roof, you need not be concerned about the tenant using the roof space for anything other than the purpose for which it was designed.

Further Reading

Should the landlord allow the tenant to use the loft? {Jungle Property Blog article}

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