Can you change my contact details for the return of the deposit?

No – sorry we cannot change any details held by the Deposit Protection Service (DPS). To change any of the contact details held by the DPS please contact the DPS on 0330 303 0030. Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the contact details here Please rate this […]

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Do I need to use the burglar alarm installed in my property?

We expect tenants to take adequate precautions to keep the property, including its external doors and windows, locked and secured, and any burglar alarm set, when the property is empty. Any installed burglar alarm is primarily for the benefit of the occupiers – reducing the risk of the occupiers contents being stolen or damaged and reducing […]

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Who is liable for Council Tax when the property is unoccupied?

The person who is liable for council tax is defined in the hierarchy of liability contained in section 6 Local Government Finance Act 1992. Where the property is unoccupied, the hierarchy provides that the “owner” is liable. Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the contact details here Please […]

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Do all tenants need to have a water meter fitted?

No – tenants have a right to have a meter installed free of charge, unless it’s not practical or is unreasonably expensive to do this however they are not obliged to have a water meter fitted. An exception to this would be if the tenant moved into a property that already had a meter installed. […]

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How quick should I expect a repair to be completed?

We aim to satisfy all repair requests as quickly as is possible. Under normal circumstances the following repairs completion performance standards will be achieved: Priority One – Emergency Repairs: repairs required in order to avoid anything which might be, or might reasonably be expected to become a hazard or danger to life or limb or […]

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Do I have to have a smart meter?

No – while government and Ofgem believe that all consumers will benefit from having smart meters, they aren’t compulsory and you can choose not to have one. Choosing not to have a smart meter installed may mean you don’t have access to all the available tariffs on the market, some of which could be cheaper. […]

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Who should I contact in an emergency?

Electricity – If you experience any problems with the supply of electricity to your property call the local electricity Distribution Network Operator (DNO). Your DNO can be found here Gas – If you smell gas or are worried about gas safety call 0800 111 999 at any time, day or night. If you experience any […]

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I can smell gas who should I contact?

If you smell gas or are worried about gas safety call 0800 111 999 at any time, day or night. If you experience any problems with the supply of gas to your property call the local gas Distribution Network Operator (DNO). Your DNO can be found here Still not answered your question? We love questions […]

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