Can I increase rent even though I have issued a S21 notice?

Yes – provided it is done in line with applicable clauses in the tenancy agreement or by agreement with the tenant or by notice under section 13 of the Housing Act 1988. The issuing of a Section 21 notice and increasing the rent are mutually exclusive events. Further Reading How to increase the rent for […]

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Where can I find an annual statement for my accountant?

As part of our Full Management Gold & Platinum services, we provide detailed annual financial statements to the landlord and where explicitly instructed to HMRC or the landlord’s accountant. Annual statements are provided within one calendar month of the end of the tax year and are sent via your preferred method of communication. Annual statements […]

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On what day will I receive my rent?

In all instances the balance on account will be transferred to landlord within 5 calendar days of the rent day. We ‘same day’ process rent payments received however rent payments received late in a working day and after office hours are processed the next working day which could be after a weekend or bank holiday […]

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Who is responsible for maintaining the fence at my property?

If the landlord owns the fence, in most cases they would be responsible for maintaining it. In some instances, deeds may not clearly indicate ownership and some may even include repair covenants that relate to the fence in question. Furthermore, sometimes even Land Registry documents can be misleading. There have been cases in the past […]

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What has caused mould behind my sofa?

The cause of mould behind your furniture is almost certainly condensation. Moisture-laden air gets trapped behind your furniture and condenses on the relatively cold surface behind which if not wiped away will cause mould. The colder the surface behind the furniture e.g. an external wall, the more likely it is that the problem will occur. […]

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Why should landlords use insured contractors?

If damage is caused to your property as a result of a contractor working or work they have carried out, or worse, a person is injured, the contractor and their insurance carrier are the responsible parties. However, if that contractor is not insured, then you (the landlord) become the responsible party. Also, many insurance policies […]

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Do I need any sort of certification for a wood burner?

No – however we recommend for any appliances that are powered using a type of solid fuel (coal, wood, etc.) you: 1. Make available instructions on using the stove to include: Manufacturer’s instructions on how to operate the stove Instructions on how to light the fire Only use a fuel type that matches the manufacturer’s […]

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