Surely the tenant is not responsible for replacing light bulbs?

TenantsĀ are responsible for replacing or having replaced appropriately, light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, fuses etc. as and when necessary during the tenancy and to ensure that all light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, fuses are in place and in working order at the end of the tenancy. A lease confers on the leaseholder a type of ownership and […]

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Where can I find my landlords name and address?

The landlord’s name and address is shown in the Core Terms (Section 1) of the Tenancy Agreement. Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the contact details here Please rate this article so we know how well it answered your question…

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Can I put up a satellite dish on my property?

The tenant agrees not to place or fix any aerial or satellite dish onto the Property (either externally or internally) without first obtaining the prior written consent of the landlord or his agent. Such consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Where granted, the tenant will meet all costs of installation and subsequent removal and the […]

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How often do I need to empty my septic tank?

How often the septic tank must be emptied depends on the volume of the tank relative to the input of solids, the amount of indigestible solids, and the ambient temperature (because anaerobic digestion occurs more efficiently at higher temperatures), as well as usage, system characteristics. Some systems require pumping every few years or sooner, while […]

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Who is responsible for clearing septic tanks and cesspits?

Whoever uses any septic tank or cesspit for their waste is responsible for removing the sludge (septic tank) or emptying (cesspit). Still not answered your question? We love questions so fire it at us using the contact details here Please rate this article so we know how well it answered your question…

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Do I need to have my chimney swept every 9 months?

Yes for all the tenancies we grant, the tenant agrees to at least once every nine months of the tenancy to have working chimneys at the property made use of by the tenant swept by an appropriate person. Contract aside, the frequency of chimney sweeping is covered by: Manufacturers instructions for any stove installed in […]

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